2024-2025 Audition Results
Congratulations on a successful audition! We are excited to welcome you to our 2024-2025 competitive teams! We are incredibly excited to be kicking off the season, and are looking forward to a great 14th season of competitive dance. Please read below for important start-up details.
If you auditioned for our team and do not see your name listed below, PLEASE send a text message to 517-225-0096.
Adarkwa, Lily
Ahn, Elyssa
Anderson, Jadyn
Andrews, Elaina
Beauregard, Liam
Beauregard, Miles
Beckwith, Madeleine
Blank, Ella
Butcher, Christine
Butcher, Claire
Choo, Natalie
Cosner-Almanza, Harmony
Dahlgren, Raelynn
Duke, Evelyn
Eldridge, Claire
Eldridge, Vivian
Flink, Sarah
Green, Aniyah
Heethuis, Chloe
Heethuis, Claire
Hennes, Aleksandra
Hewson, Finlay
Joseph, Claire
Jubb, Marlie
Kaplan, Ginna
Kimmerly, Henry
Kinsey, Reagan
Langeler, Avia
Langeler, Skylie
Lennemann, Amelia
Maitland, Josie
Martin, Gabby
McCurdy, Tess
Miller, Maddie
Mullins, Alora
Mullins, Reid
Padgett, Emersyn
Perez, May
Perna, Vivian
Pricco, McKenzie
Ricks, Addie
Russell, Aubrey
Rustad, Harper
Schwarz-Steinke, Veronica
Sprecher, Roslyn
St. Hilaire, Alexa
Thompson-Orsua, Isabella
Wang, Claire
Warner, Kayla
Westrate, Vivian
Willenberg, Emilia
Yang, Irene
* First year company members will not compete a ballet routine.
* Pre Professional results will be released following Nationals.
Part Time Company
Alhabash, Lily
Eiland, Kennedy
Harvy-Durst, Celeste
Huang, Isabella
Newton, Lana
Perez, Olivia
Pruess, Lennah
Rustad, Emerson
Ruvolo, Brody
Sherman, Roslyn
Vance, London
Zilko, Frances
Pre Company
Ahlquist, Ingrid
Casby, Chloe
Hewson, Calliope
Lewis, Camryn
Luo, Makayla
McCleary, Kenzington
Pack, Mila
Root, Carter
Zhang, Serena
Little Spartans
Burch, Kylynn
Harris, Adelynn
Kongstad, Vibeke
Irvin, Winifred
Lewis, Eliana
McCleary, Gillian
Olin, Elsie
Perna, Evelyn
Schmidt, Sawyer
Shaul, Hannah
Zeig, Brooklyn
Start-Up Details
Join our communication system
- Text dancers name & the team they are joining to 517-225-0096
- Request on Facebook to join
Summer dance requirements
Little Spartans
Required - 2 Summer Camp through SDC (more encouraged)
6/10 - 6/14 "Ocean Adventure"
6/17 - 6/21 "Hoedown Showdown"
7/8 - 7/12 "Super Hero"
7/15 - 7/19 "Love Dance"
7/22 - 7/26 "Beach Party"
7/29 - 8/2 "Barbie & Ken"
8/12 - 8/16 "Swifties"
Cost - First 3 camps - $125. Additional camps $100
(Camps will be charged on 7/1)
Register - Text selected camps to texting system
Pre Company
Required - Must attend 2 summer camp at SDC
6/10 - 6/14 "Ocean Adventure"
6/17 - 6/21 "Hoedown Showdown"
7/15 - 7/19 "Love Dance"
7/22 - 7/26 "Beach Party"
7/29 - 8/2 "Barbie & Ken"
8/12 - 8/16 "Swifties"
- Must attend Pre Company Kick off Camp
(July 15 - July 19 from 9:30 - 1:30)
Cost - First 3 camps - $125. Additional camps $100
Pre Company Kick off Camp - $200
(Camps will be charged on 7/1)
Register - Text selected camps to texting system
Part-Time Company
Required - 7/15 - 7/19: Choreo camp from 9:30 - 1:30pm
- 8/17: Dewitt's Ox Roast Parade - TBD
- 9/3 - 9/6: PT/FC Intensive camp from 4 - 8pm
Cost - $200 Choreo camp (charged on 7/1)
$200 Intensive camp (charged on 8/1)
Register - Auto enrolled for Choreo & Intensive camps
First Step Company / Full Company
Required - TBD - Full Company Team Photos
8/5 - 8/9: Choreo camp from 9:30 - 4:00pm
9/5 - 9/8: PT/FC Camp from 4 - 8pm
Cost - $335 Choreo camp (charged on 7/1)
$200 Intensive Camp (charged on 8/1)
Register - Auto enrolled for Choreo & Intensive camps
Sign Up for individual parent meeting
Little Spartans - PreCompany - Part Time Company
- Each family should sign up for 1 meeting time
- If you have a dancer on one of these above teams AND Full Company, you should follow the instructions here AND below for FC.
Meeting Dates: June 12 & 13
Meeting Sign Up: CLICK HERE
Returning Full Company Members
- On July 8th, once your dancers schedule is released, you will receive a text message for parent meeting options. You will have a choice of:
1. No parent meeting (just sign contract)
2.. 15 minute parent meeting
* Full Company Returning dancers meeting date: July 9th
Receive dancers Fall Schedule
- Dancers individual 2024 - 2025 schedule will be found in your Jackrabbit account:
Little Spartans: On June 12, 2024
Pre Company: On June 12, 2024
Part Time Company: On June 12, 2024
Full Company: On July 8, 2024
Pre Professional: On July 8, 2024
New members Welcome Kit
Female Dancers (All Teams) - Price $299
Team Leotard
Team warm up jacket
Team bag
Team makeup
Team hairclip & earrings
Male Dancers (All Teams) - Price $200
Team shirt
Team warm up jacket
Team bag