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Spartan Cruise
2025 Recital

Dates & Location

May 8, 2025 -  Dress Rehearsal - 5:00 PM
May 9, 2025 - Friday Show - 6:00 PM
May 10, 2025 - Saturday Show 12:00 PM
May 10, 2025 - Solo/Duo/Trio Show - 4:00 PM

Holt High School
5885 Holt Road
Holt, MI 48842

Show Information


Your dancer will perform in BOTH shows.

Our later Saturday show, we encourage all dancers to attend. Please stick around to see our solo, duos & trios show! * Donation based show


Once our show order is determined, you will be able to click on the "program" button below to view a virtual program of our recital!



Recital Tickets

  • Recital will be held at Holt High School.  All tickets can be purchased through TutuTix (button below).  Remaining seats will be sold at an additional cost at the door. 


​​Ticket Sales Open:  March 1, 2025

Recital Photos

New this year:

All families will receive access to all digital photos and video of their dancer(s) from recital!  Families will have access to print whichever photos you would like! 

When:  May 19 - May 21, 2025

Location:  Spartan Dance Center

Attire:  Dancers should be stage ready with (hair, makeup, costume, recital tights & shoes.)

Recital Photo Schedule:  CLICK HERE

Recital Information

Dress Rehearsal

Holt High School - Main Campus 



  • Dancers should report immediately to the auditorium and find the rows labeled with their dance class

  • Dancers should be in their seats at Holt High School by 4:45 

  • Dancers are excused after the run through of their dance.  Please be sure you stay for all of your dancers dances.  Finale dance will NOT rehearse at dress rehearsal

Friday 6:00 Show

Holt High School: Doors open at 5:25

* Creative Movement dancers will remain with their parent and enter the auditorium when the doors open. (Creative Movement dancers will NOT be required to have a ticket to enter, all other guest will need a ticket)


  • Step 1 - Check your dancer into their assigned dressing room at Holt High School:

    • Dancers should arrive & check into dressing room 40 minutes before showtime.

    • An SDC staff member will be at the door to check your dancer in. 

    • Your dancer will remain in the dressing room until after the show concludes.  

  • Step 2 - Once your dancer is checked in, you are free to visit the lobby for flowers and/or concessions.

  • Step 3 - Find your seat in the auditorium and enjoy the show!


  • For the safety of our dancers, ​​only dancers and instructors are allowed in the dressing rooms once dancers are checked in.  If there is an emergency, please talk to the SDC staff who is assigned to your dancers dressing room.

    • Please pack non staining, nut free snacks and water for your dancer.

    • You may pack crayons, coloring book, paper for your dancer.


  • Step 1 - At the conclusion of our show, dancers will be brought back to the dressing room after finale.  Please give staff a few minutes to get dancers back to dressing room.​

  • Step 2 - Dancers will need to be checked out of the dressing room by a parent or guardian.

Saturday 12:00 Show

Holt High School: Doors open at 11:25

* Creative Movement dancers will remain with their parent and enter the auditorium when the doors open. (Creative Movement dancers will NOT be required to have a ticket to enter, all other guest will need a ticket)


  • Step 1 - Check your dancer into their assigned dressing room at Holt High School:

    • Dancers should arrive & check into dressing room 40 minutes before showtime.

    • An SDC staff member will be at the door to check your dancer in. 

    • Your dancer will remain in the dressing room until after the show concludes.  

  • Step 2 - Once your dancer is checked in, you are free to visit the lobby for flowers and/or concessions.

  • Step 3 - Find your seat in the auditorium and enjoy the show!


  • For the safety of our dancers, ​​only dancers and instructors are allowed in the dressing rooms once dancers are checked in.  If there is an emergency, please talk to the SDC staff who is assigned to your dancers dressing room.

    • Please pack non staining, nut free snacks and water for your dancer.

    • You may pack crayons, coloring book, paper for your dancer.


  • Step 1 - At the conclusion of our show, dancers will be brought back to the dressing room after finale.  Please give staff a few minutes to get dancers back to dressing room.​

  • Step 2 - Dancers will need to be checked out of the dressing room by a parent or guardian.

Following our Noon show, there will be a very limited time for photos in Holt High Schools theater as we have our final production shortly after the show ends.  Thank you for your consideration! 

Solo/Duo/Trio Show

Holt High School: Doors open at approximately 3:40pm

* * * Donation Based Show * * *


We encourage you to join us for our solo, duo and trio show for our competitive dancers.  Help cheer our dancers on as we prepare for Nationals in Charleston, SC!​ 

Hair, Makeup & Shoes

HAIR – Hair for all dancers (other than competitive team) should be put in a high bun.  All loose hair should be slicked back with hair spray.  Boys may style their hair as they wish while keeping hair from falling into their eyes.

MAKE UP - While it may seem make up is unnecessary for young dancers, we strongly recommend blush for female dancers cheeks, a light eye shadow and lipstick to keep their face prominent under the stage lights. 

SHOES - Please click HERE for costume & shoe requirements

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Where to find us!

6075 North Hagadorn
East Lansing, MI 48823


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Spartan Dance & Ninja background checks all of our employees!

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Averie Blair

Avery Blair is graduating from Okemos High School

and will be attending Grand Valley State University next year!

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